Thursday, July 8, 2010


It has been a crazy 5 weeks! So crazy that I have not even had time to blog!!

Some family knows the story, most friends don't yet - but as I am sitting in my bed on ordered rest - I figured I'd FINALLY update my blog!!

To make a long story short, during Carlee's delivery my placenta did not detach on it's own. The doctor had to detach it and I ended up hemorrhaging and passing out from that about 2 hours after delivery.

1 week into Carlee's life, I got a sinus infection and bad head cold for a few days.

Fast forward to Carlee being 4 weeks old and I randomly hemorrhaged again at home. I had to be taken to the ER via ambulance and spent about 5 hours there. I was sent home for the weekend and followed up with the doctor that Monday.

After a few ultrasounds and exams, it was determined that I had placental tissue still in my uterus that was causing the bleeding. I was told I needed to have a D&C to have the tissue removed. I also was diagnosed with a slight uterine infection and given an antibiotic for that.

I had the D&C this past Tuesday. Surgery went well and the doctor said everything looked great.

Yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon I spiked a high fever (103.8 at it's highest). I was convulsing, teeth chattering, vomiting, dizzy. It was a mess.

Here's the best part. Apparently the 4 doctors at my OB practice don't communicate or read charts. The doctor who did my D&C "didn't know I had a previous uterine infection before she did the surgery." Also, "the medicine the other doctor gave me for the infection was the wrong medicine and is not used to treat uterine infections."

SO - during the D&C all the bacteria was moved around and my uterine infection skyrocketed.

I've been on an antibiotic for about 12 hours now and my fever is finally down. Still dizzy and having stomach pains, but MUCH better than last night. I've been ordered by the doctor to rest for the next 48 hours and not take care of my kids.

That's the hardest part right now!! I wish I could take care of my babies!! Luckily, my in laws have taken Joey for the rest of this week and weekend, and Chris is in charge of Carlee and I! I'm hoping to finally get completely better this weekend and be able to go back to being super mom as of Monday! :)


  1. Christie!!! Holy cow! You poor thing. I hope you feel better soon. I told you girls caused drama, didn't I? Well, here you go! Hopefully your doctors will communicate next time! I'll be praying that you are back on your feet quickly.

  2. I cant believe that you cant take care of the babies, I am certain they are missing you like crazy...I am quickly learning that NO one can fill the shoes of the Mommy! We will be praying that the weekend flys by and that this whole health mess is past (for good!) by the start of this week. Enjoy the rest!

  3. That is so scary, thinking about you and hope you are feeling all better! Carleeannoumcements are so cute! I need your cell number I had you old one.
