It's called Creative Parenting. It's a one hour per week class that you go to with your mom - in other words, I don't drop him off ~ I actually have to stay and play with him! :)
Other than the part about me staying there and it only being an hour, it's basically preschool. There's a craft, play time, circle time, and then snack and story.
So, like I said ~ today was the first day.
Joey did AWESOME and had so much fun! He loved doing the craft, although he had no interest in using the dot paints and markers. All he wanted to do was "shake sprinkles" (glitter) and glue pieces of streamer.
After his craft, he walk into the room of toys and said "TRUCKS!!!!!" as the first thing he saw was a huge truck ramp and lots of cool trucks. He played with the trucks for a while and EVEN played with the teacher by putting people in a bus with her. This part is huge people! Joey doesn't like other adults. Just Mommy and Daddy (and other family members too), but not teachers! I was very proud of him and then he amazed me even more by TOTALLY LEAVING ME and following the teacher to another area of toys!!! He played with the teacher and then by himself for at least 5 minutes before looking to see where I was! He is definitely growing up and starting to venture away from my side more and more!
After toys, where he cleaned up like a pro, it was circle time. This part Joey was not super impressed with. We sang about 15 songs and he basically just watched everyone else. He was too cool to do the motions today.
Then it was snack time. Joey was delighted to get his own carpet square to sit on and then came the best part: He was snack helper today! This meant he got to pass out napkins to everyone. A task right up his ally and he was so pumped!!
While eating snack, the teacher read a story, which Joey attended to wonderfully!
When it was all over, Joey walked out singing one of the songs from circle time (he WAS paying attention, just not participating at the time), bopping along happily to the car. He was so happy and ADORABLE!
Here he is after class showing off his craft with his big happy grin!