Monday, February 28, 2011

Joey Says

Joey has been quite the little comedian the past few days. The things that are coming out of his mouth are hysterical - not only because they sound so grown-up, but because they also make you stop and realize that what he is doing is immitating everything he hears chris and I say!
A few of my favorites from this week's list are:
1) "mommy, I be back in 2 minutes. I something to do.". He then opened the upstairs linen closet and began organizing the shelves.
2) we were making our afternoon "up a tea" (cup of tea) - his consists of 1/2 apple juice, half warm water from the tea pot, a lemon wedge, sugar, and a tea bag that I cut the tea out of - and after he stirred it, he took a sip and said "mmm, puuwfect"
3) at bedtime Joey has a monster list of obsessive compulsive things he must say and you MUST repeat back. Added to the the list this week - "mommy's a gwail (girl), caree's a gwail, daddy's a boy, joey's a boy!"
4) as Carlee was putting a matchbox car in her mouth - "caree no eat that. That no foop (food)
5) whenever Carlee reaches for something he doesn't want her to have - "no car car, that's danger!"

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