Friday, April 30, 2010

18 month check-up

Joey had his 18 month check-up today. He's really 20 months now, but we just switched pediatricians and to get the one I wanted we had to wait.

I'm so happy that we switched! I LOVE LOVE LOVE his new pediatrician and he was SO GOOD with Joey!

Joey hates the doctor and cries as soon as a nurse walks in the door or even measures his head. The doctor had him calmed down in 10 seconds and the check up was the least painful one we've ever had.

It also helped that the pediatrician complimented Joey and my parenting numerous times! :) My favorite line was "Wow, Joey! How do you have all these words? Your mom must spend a lot of time teaching you!" And let's see ~ after being in the room with us for all of 1 minute Joey had totally charmed him into saying, "your such a cool kid - I just met you and I already like you!"

Anyway ~ the check up was great and Joey is making progress like he should be. He weighed in at 26 lbs. 9 oz. which is the 50th percentile and was 34 inches which is the 90th percentile. No wonder he looks like a string bean in his once piece pajamas!!

He has to start taking a vitamin since he does not eat a single vegetable and I need to work on getting him to eat more meat and of course veggies. However, he's gaining weight and growing fine, so nothing major to worry about!

I asked the doc for any advice he had on helping Joey to adjust to the new baby and he said the best thing I can do is let Joey be as helpful in taking care of the baby as possible to make him feel a part of taking care of the baby and to make him feel like the baby is his too. I was happy with this advice because doing "chores" is right up Joey's alley!! I can see the excitement in his eyes already when I ask him to bring the baby a diaper or shake the baby's bottle!! He's going to be a great helper!

I'm so happy that he checked out with a clean bill of health and a dinosaur sticker in his hand! He's the best ever and he makes Chris and I so happy and so proud every day!!

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