Monday, April 26, 2010

35 Weeks

Because of all the contractions I've been having with this pregnancy and because they have been going on since about 20 weeks - I'm constantly second guessing whether they are significant or not.

But after last week and this weekend - I began to think that just maybe these contractions had me heading toward an early labor. I had contractions 10 minutes apart again on Saturday morning for about 2 hours, but then was fine the rest of the day. Then last night I was up every hour because of cramping/contractions. I was too worried about having a premature baby to wait until my 36 week appointment next week - so I decided to go in today and see the doctor.

And I guess I didn't need to go in. The doctor said the baby is down in the birth canal but at the very top. I am just starting to dilate - not even a full centimeter yet. AND - if I do go into full labor then they won't stop it. AND - there is nothing they do at this point to PREVENT me from going in to labor (I guess meaning no bed rest).

After telling me that I don't need to call or come in (except for regular appointments) until my contractions are 5 minutes apart for at least an hour - the doctor makes a side comment on his way out - "just try to keep the baby in there a little longer if possible."

I didn't really ask a lot of questions because I kind of felt dumb for going in worried in the first place.

But now that I am sitting here thinking about it - if it's okay to have the baby at 35 weeks, then why tell me to try to keep the baby in a little longer? And what exactly do I do in order to keep the baby in??

I'm a little frustrated at how whimsical the doctor was because I am very detail oriented and I like to know all the possible ways this thing could play out - even if there are 37 different scenarios!

Speaking of 37 - I am hoping that the baby waits until at least that many weeks before joining us!

As grouchy as I am - and I'm REALLY grouchy - and as much uncomfortable pain as I am in, I want to have a healthy, strong baby.

So next Monday, when I go in, I will be prepared with my list of questions - #1 being "if the baby is born this week, are there any potential complications she will be facing?"

Until then, I'll just google it! And end up thinking I am going to give birth to a 3 headed alien like figure with a tail! :)

I'm sure everything will be fine. I know I had a lot of the same issues with Joey and he was born at 38 weeks - so I'm probably worried about nothing. But I guess if I wasn't already worrying about her now, then I wouldn't be a parent!!

1 comment:

  1. email me if you want and I can give you the run down, if you want to know :0. Basically, any baby can have issues, 25 weeks-41 weeks, drink lots of water, put your feet up, don't overdo it.
