Wednesday, May 19, 2010



During my professional career, when people learned what I did for a living, they would always say, "You must have a lot of patience."

When describing me to others my dad would say, "she has a lot of patience."

Parents of kids that I worked with would tell me, "you are so patient."

And now, when I am taking care of Joey or helping out with my mom, I do still think I posses that quality of patience. However, I don't know that I would describe myself as a patient person.

Sure, I don't get easily frustrated when teaching a child a new skill, or when waiting out a tantrum during a time-out. But when it comes to driving behind someone who is going way to slow, or waiting for some lady to to find all her coupons and then write a check for her groceries while my child is quickly counting down the minutes until he can no longer sit in the grocery cart - patience is NOT what I have!

And while waiting and waiting and waiting for the day my baby will be born - I have NO PATIENCE!!

Since I expected Joey to be born close to his due date and then was unexpectedly diagnosed with pre-eclampsia right at 38 weeks - I never had to wait for him. One day I thought I had two weeks left, and the next I was in the hospital in labor!

So this whole waiting and wondering when the baby is going to come is TORTURE!! I wish someone could knock on my front door and say, "Hey, your baby is going to be born on such and such a day."

THEN, I could be patient. But now? No, not now.

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