Monday, May 31, 2010

A Perfect Ending

Our last weekend as a family of three.

It couldn't have been better.

Chris finished work early on Friday and our weekend began! I was happy to have the extra pair of hands in these last few days of pregnancy, and Joey was happy to have both Mommy AND Daddy all to himself for a whole weekend!!

Friday night we went out to dinner and had one of the best restaurant experiences yet. Joey was a perfect angel, stayed in his high chair the whole time, didn't yell or scream, and as an added bonus - even ate his dinner! After dinner we went to the little toddler park on Main Street and Joey got to show Chris all his favorite things to do there!

Saturday morning was filled with me racing around like a lunatic trying to get all the last minute things done. I vacuumed, HAND MOPPED all the floors, did some laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, sent Chris and Joey out for diapers and wipes, Chris moved his office stuff out of the baby's closet, I moved all of the baby's things into her closet, and Joey - thankfully took a 3 hour nap that day so we could get all of these things done! Then we cooked out on the grill and went for a family walk before bed. Joey had fun pushing his lawn mower all around during our walk and ended by holding Charlie's leash!

Sunday was a true "family day." We went to Shady Brook Farm where Joey played on the playground. Then we went into the store and bought some fresh milk and veggies, plus an apple and hot dog for Joey to have for lunch. We sat on the picnic tables while Joey ate his lunch and then finished up the morning on the BOUNCE BOUNCE!! Yes, that's right - Joey finally got to go in a bounce house!! The farm was having a strawberry picking festival and during Joey's lunch they set up a bounce house! He was SO EXCITED!!

Later that night, we cooked out on the grill again, and then as I cleaned up, the "boys" vacuumed out my car. As I was washing dishes and looking out at Joey and Chris on the driveway I was overcome with gratitude for my wonderful family.

I felt so at peace knowing that we had this last weekend to spend together and that Joey was so happy all weekend. Over the past 21 months, he has grown up so much and he's just the most precious thing to Chris and I. I feel SO fortunate to have such a beautiful family that includes an amazing husband and the best little boy ever! And now - we are adding a new addition. Not only a daughter for Chris and I, but a little sister for Joey! My world could not be more perfect right now!

So today, Memorial Day, we topped off the weekend by taking Joey to the town parade. He had a BLAST!! He was so excited to see all the cars go by! His favorite things were the marching band, the fire trucks, the cars that went "beep beep," and the real horse! After each thing passed he would say "More More!"

It really was the best weekend! Not that we did anything super fabulous, but just that we spent it together and really enjoyed each other!

Now, we close one chapter of our life - "A Family of 3," and open the next - "A Family of 4." I can't wait to see what this chapter brings!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I remember rubbing Brice's head the night I went into labor and thinking that it won't be just him much longer. Little did I know it would be a few short hours! Glad you got to spend the time with your boys! Can't wait for her to arrive.
