We spend many days on the step at least 3-4 times for "Carlee related" incidents. And there are countless warnings: if you (hit, sit on, poke, pull, jump on, kick) Carlee again..... There are days when literally all Joey has to do is look at Carlee and she starts to cry!
Joey's jealousy seems to never end - but just when I think all hope is lost that they will be those best buds Chris and I had hoped for, we have a weekend like we just did.
There were so many moments where my heart was so happy and I got tears in my eyes watching the two of them play together.
Yesterday, Carlee started to cry and Joey quickly ran to her side and loaded her up with toys, saying "here you go Carlee, it's okay." Then, as Carlee began to crawl around the house, I looked over and saw Joey crawling and laughing right behind her.
Today he did two things that I found particularly cute. In the morning, Chris and Joey spent some time building with blocks and right before they went up to take their showers, Joey left one more big tower that he worked hard to build. During shower time, Carlee woke up from her nap and I put her on the floor to play. Of course, she knocked over the tower. When Joey came downstairs and saw what had happened he looked at Carlee and said "Oh, Car Car. Tower knocked over. It's okay," and just built it again!
Later, Joey was playing with an old popcorn maker with the handle you turn. They were both in Carlee's room and I peeked in to find him helping her have a turn spinning the handle around. It was so sweet!
He has also started to get very excited as she eats new things that he also eats. This morning it was little pieces of pancakes and during lunch it was yogurt. He gets a big smile on his face and says "Joey eat yogurt. Carlee eat yogurt. Eeeeverybody eats yogurt!"
Joey has the sweetest little heart and despite all of the brotherly pokes and pushes he gives to his little sister, I know that deep down he loves her more than anything. And although Carlee sometimes gets annoyed with him, usually when he comes around the corner her face lights up. So I think I am done WISHING that they will become best friends, and am now just going to enjoy the fact that the ARE best friends!.....even if sometimes they don't get along :)