Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bow Bow!

Yesterday we went to a birthday party that had a moon bounce. After 3 hours neither Chris nor I had taken Joey to the area of the yard where the moon bounce was.

After helping Joey play with the birthday boy's new power wheels Escalade and watching him take a million turns on the new roller coaster - I asked him if he wanted to go in the bounce house.

He started bending his knees up and down and saying "bow, bow!" So I carried him over to the Moon Bounce ~ Just in time for the guy to show up and tell all the kids to get out because he needed to deflate it.

So for the next 20 minutes, Joey stood in front of the Moon Bounce,watching it deflate and bending up and down while saying "bow, bow??!!" To which I had to answer a zillion times that the bounce bounce had to go bye bye.

I tried everything to distract him - how bout another ride on the coaster? "Bow Bow?" Do you want to go see Daddy? "Bow Bow?" Let's go get some ice cream! "Bow Bow?"

I felt so bad for him because he just couldn't let the bounce bounce go!

When it was time to leave he talked about the bounce bounce for the entire 1 hour ride home. I don't know how many times Chris and I had to say "the bounce bounce is all done."

When we got home and got Joey in his pj's and off for story time, I thought we were finally done with the bounce bounce. I read him his stories, we said his prayers, and then I rocked him and started our nightly chat. Instead of talking about his day like I usually do, I wanted to avoid the bounce bounce, I talked to him about the baby.

When we were done with out little chat and he put his head down on me, we rocked in silence for a few minutes. Then I picked him up and put him in his crib. We said our good nights and just as I was about to walk out the door he goes: "Bow Bow??!!"

I had to go through the whole explanation again and finally just left him in his crib repeating, "bow bow," over and over again!

I bet I know what he dreamed about last night!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to take the poor kid to a bouncy house place! He deserves it after all that. I took Brice the week I delivered Anna and participated. Maybe when you get a little bit closer to delivery time, you can put yourself into labor!
