Saturday, April 17, 2010


Joey has been really attached to Chris lately. As soon as I go in to get him from the crib in the morning, he points toward our bedroom and says "Dad?" If Chris hasn't left for work yet, then he busts into the bathroom to "help" him shower and shave, or runs into the bedroom to get him out of bed.

On the days when Chris has already left for work, he spends the first 20 minutes of his day checking all the usual hiding spots to find him, all while calling "dad!" The "usual hiding spots" include his office in the basement, under his desk - Chris will sometimes hide there and surprise Joey as he walks into the room, in the back cellar, the downstairs bathroom, and outside in the yard. Eventually, he realizes that he is not home and goes on with his day.

When Chris comes home from work at night Joey runs to the back door, yells as loud as he can, and claps his hands! It's really quite adorable.

So yesterday, when Chris finished work early and went outside to mow the lawn, Joey couldn't have been happier. The only problem is, he wanted to help mow the lawn. Obviously, this was a safety issue, so I had to lock the gate surrounding the yard and keep Joey out. This did not make Joey happy at all and he spent a good 20 minutes yelling/screeching to get in. Eventually I figured I should spare the neighbors and brought Joey inside. BIG MISTAKE!!

He stood at the door hysterically crying and yelling "Daaaaaaaad!" for 30 minutes! Needless to say, when Chris came back inside, Joey was delighted. And determined not to let Daddy out of his sight again.

After dinner and pajamas, there was a good half hour left to play before bedtime. Chris was cleaning the kitchen for me so I could rest, and I tried to settle Joey in at the coffee table to play with stickers. Well, Joey was all about the stickers, but he didn't want to play with ME. The whole time Chris was cleaning the kitchen, Joey was running back and forth between the living room and the kitchen - in the living room to get 2 stickers, then to the kitchen to put them on Chris! It was totally cute and he was super excited about his little "project." When Chris finished and walked into the living room, the sight of him made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants (for the third time that day)!!

Here's a look at Joey's finished art project!:

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